Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Recently got hooked by planted tanks

Been awhile,
recently got poison by planted tanks, appreciating its greenery. A smoothing feeling, so i went to research on planted tanks. if possible as low maintenance as possible.

Joined forum bla blah blah.. asked lots of questions to the hobbyist.

So there are two types,
High Tech Planted Tank
Low Tech Planted Tank

Whats the difference?
High Tech - With Co2(carbon dioxide) gas Injections and maybe even Chillers to cool the tank.
Low Tech - Without Co2 gas injection, mainly just either with or without Co2 Supplements.

Simply use google or Youtube, you will get tempted by how gorgeous these tanks are.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't they gorgeous?? I got hooked on planted tanks recently, too. Decided to try one with some tiny, beautiful carpet plants and do a dry start. I'll give the plants a few more weeks to establish and spread out before I fill it : ) Here is a pic so far, it is Hobbit-themed
